
Identifying A Concussion After A Car Accident

Concussions From Car AccidentsConcussions from car accidents are very common. They can also be very dangerous because they are often undiagnosed and untreated when people do not recognize the signs and symptoms. In some cases where a concussion is not timely identified, damages could become permanent, and the injured victim may not recover their cognitive functions.

Signs and Symptoms of a Concussion After a Car Accident

There are certain signs of a potential concussion that loved ones and medical professionals need to keep an eye out for with someone after they were involved in a car accident, including:

  • Loss of memory of things before and after the crash
  • Forgetfulness or confusion
  • Looking dazed
  • Walking clumsily
  • Any changes in mood or personality
  • Answering questions slowly or having slurred speech
  • A continuous headache that only gets worse
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Head pressure
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Vertigo or dizziness
  • Light or noise sensitivity
  • Double or blurry vision
  • Inability to wake up

Regardless of whether or not someone is showing these signs of a concussion, they should always seek out immediate medical attention after a car accident. If a concussion is left unidentified and untreated, fatal or life-altering disabilities could result.

The Causes of Concussions from Car Accidents

A concussion occurs when the sudden movement, or acceleration, of the head happens right before there is a sudden stop to that movement, which causes the brain to slam against or twist inside the skull. This then may cause bruising, bleeding in and around the brain, and added pressure on the brain.

A concussion occurs when the sudden movement, or acceleration, of the head happens right before there is a sudden stop to that movement, which causes the brain to slam against or twist inside the skull.

A concussion occurs when the sudden movement, or acceleration, of the head happens right before there is a sudden stop to that movement, which causes the brain to slam against or twist inside the skull.

3 Types of Concussions

The three levels of TBI are a mild TBI or concussion, a moderate TBI, and a severe TBI. There are three grades of concussions, which are categorized based on the level of impact suffered. The brain physically bounces around the head, causing tearing, bleeding, or bruising of nerve fibers. The three grades of concussions include:

  • Grade 1, when there is no loss of consciousness but there is possible temporary amnesia for less than 30 minutes.
  • Grade 2, when loss of consciousness does occur, as well as amnesia for anywhere from 30 minutes to 24 hours.
  • Grade 3, when consciousness is lost for more than five minutes plus the victims has ongoing effects of amnesia for more than 24 hours.

Although concussions after a car accident are mainly caused by a strike or blow to the head, they can also happen even if there is no impact to the head, such as in cases of whiplash, when the head violently whips back and forth as the result of a motor vehicle collision and is especially common in rear-end accidents.

Legal Options for Car Accident Victims

After seeking medical attention immediately following a car accident, victims should follow these steps to stay proactive with regard to their  legal rights:

  • Show medical documentation of the concussion diagnosis to your car accident lawyer. This helps to prove that the car crash caused the injury. Early documentation helps to establish a clear connection and avoid problems with a defendant and/or an insurance company that denies payment for medical treatment.
  • Do not sign any forms or documents unless and until you have talked to an attorney, because you may unintentionally waive or diminish your legal rights after an auto accident.
  • Talk to an experienced personal injury attorney. Most will offer a free consultation, so there is no financial risk in learning about who is responsible for paying for what, the medical help and wage loss you are entitled to, and what the case may be worth.

On top of the physical suffering that people are forced to endure due to concussion injuries after a car accident, there are more damages that could change their lives forever. Those who are suffering from a concussion after a car accident caused by someone else have the legal right to file a lawsuit against them, as well as the applicable insurance company or companies. Our car accident lawyers will show that the other driver was at fault for your concussion-related injuries in order to maximize your potential financial compensation.

Those who are suffering from a concussion after a car accident caused by someone else have the legal right to file a lawsuit against them.

If you or a loved one has suffered a concussion, or head injury due to a car accident, contact the car accident lawyers at J.D. Silva today for a free, no obligation consultation.

Managing Partner, Sharrard D. Owens
Mr. Owens has worked in the legal industry since 2013, at multiple noteworthy law firms in the Great Houston region. He is a trial lawyer who has experience at every stage of litigation, from filing lawsuits through appeals. Learn more about Attorney Sharrard Owens.

Founding Partner, Johnathan D. Silva
Mr. Silva founded J.D. Silva & Associates in 2018 to spearhead his ongoing work advocating for injury victims. His background as a military medic and lawyer provide him with a unique, multi-faceted understanding of the medical issues involved in personal injury cases. As a lawyer with medical experience, he understands complex medical records used in litigation with confidence. Learn more about Attorney Johnathan Silva.