The death of a loved one due to a wrongful death is a tragic event. The Pearland wrongful death attorneys at J.D. Silva and Associates are here for you and your family to help navigate the legal system during this terrible and confusing time.
When a family member dies unexpectedly, it is human nature to look for answers as to what caused the loss and who is to blame. If it can be proven the death was a result of someone’s misconduct or negligence, the surviving family members can and should hold that party responsible. Even if the death was unintentional, laws in Texas dictate the responsible party must compensate the victim’s loved ones for the loss. While no amount of money can fully compensate you for the loss of a loved one, it can help ease the burden of funeral costs, lost financial support, medical bills, outstanding debts, and other unplanned expenses. Particularly if the deceased was the primary income provider, their death can place a huge toll on the surviving family. Depending on the situation, additional funds may be sought to ease emotional toll and punish the responsible party. Typically, living family members such as parents, siblings, children, or other dependents are entitled to bring this type of lawsuit.
In the event of a wrongful death, J.D. Silva & Associates wants to make sure our clients not only receive the maximum amount they are due, but also work to ensure others do not have to suffer the same fate. We work to hold responsible parties accountable and have them make changes for future safety. Common areas in which we see wrongful death lawsuits arise are car and truck accidents, defective products, workplace accidents, and medical malpractice. Our team is experienced at navigating these types of cases and approaches each one with the compassion our clients deserve.
Wrongful Death Lawyers
If you have suffered the loss of a loved one and suspect another was at fault, contact J.D. Silva & Associates today to discuss your case. Time limits apply to your ability to file a lawsuit, so it is important to start the process quickly. Ultimately, we want to make sure we can help your family and take away the stress of worrying about the legal proceedings. Our goal is to do what we can to help you heal.
Frequently Asked Questions: Texas Wrongful Death
What Is a Texas Wrongful Death Lawsuit and Who Can File One?
Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code Title 4, Chapter 71 serves as the basis for wrongful death and survival lawsuits in Texas. The law states that a wrongful death occurs when the “wrongful act, neglect, carelessness, unskillfulness, or default” of one party causes the death of another. The parents, spouse, children – including adult children and adopted children – and the executor or personal representative of the decedent’s estate are all eligible to file a Texas wrongful death lawsuit.
What are the Time Limits for Wrongful Death Cases?
To file a case in Texas, an eligible family member must take legal action within two years of the death. If you wait to file until after that deadline, you may not be able to hold the responsible parties accountable for your losses and suffering. Unfortunately, Texas law does not allow siblings to bring a wrongful death claim for the loss of a brother or sister.