
Injured on the Job? Need to speak with an experienced work injury attorney? Contact the Pearland Work Injury Attorneys at J.D. Silva and Associates.

If you have suffered a work-related injury, you may be unsure of what to do. You likely do not know how to file your work injury claim to secure the compensation you need. With the help of J.D. Silva & Associates, PLLC, you can move forward and handle your case for success.

Our Pearland work injury attorneys have experience handling claims that result from an on-the-job injury. We can manage all the legal and insurance complexities for your work-related accident.

How our Pearland Work Injury Attorneys Can Help You

When you have been hurt on the job, you will face a lot of questions and paperwork trying to navigate the claims process. Insurance companies count on you being unfamiliar with their fine print and not knowing how to secure a settlement or what amount is fair.

The insurance company prefers taking advantage of you while you are already facing a world of bills. They know that you may need to take a low offer to pay your expenses quickly.

A tenacious workplace injury attorney will not let them get away with this. We will provide superior legal representation for you against the insurance companies, pushing back until you get a fair and appropriate settlement. We offer experienced legal advice for injury cases so our clients can concentrate on getting better.

Although we are known for reaching exceptional settlements fast, we also recognize when it is time to go to court for the financial relief you need. We take everything we have gathered to support your insurance claim and proceed with filing a personal injury lawsuit against those responsible for your suffering.

Our Work Injury Lawyers Fight for Your Lost Wages, Medical Expenses, and More

Determining what your Pearland work injury claim is worth can be complicated. Often, you have already racked up a large number of medical bills but have not recovered enough to return to work, leaving you without income. In some cases, you could experience catastrophic injuries that result in a loss of a limb or other permanent disability.

Seeking maximum compensation for your serious injuries is not being greedy. It is your right since you are facing pain and suffering you would not have if a negligent party had not caused your accident. You deserve every penny of your medical treatment and costs paid for, as well as relief for the mental and emotional anguish you have endured.

When you are left with permanent disabilities that prevent you from ever working again, you may need compensation for lifelong medical care and financial support. You will not be able to earn a living, putting your and your family’s livelihood at risk. In the worst cases, when a loved one suffered a wrongful death from their work-related injuries, our Pearland work injury attorneys will help their survivors seek death benefits from those who are responsible.

Types of Damages You Can Claim in a Pearland Work Injury Claim

Regardless of how minor or severe your injuries are, you have the right to seek compensation for every expense a work accident has caused. You must be “made whole” in the eyes of the law, which means different things for everyone. At the least, it involves covering the bills and suffering you would not have experienced without someone else’s negligence.

There are numerous damages you can claim, including both financial (economic) losses and subjective (non-economic) losses. The liable parties should pay not only for your medical bills but also for the emotional distress you have suffered. Our Pearland work injury attorneys can calculate your current expenses and develop an estimate of your future costs.

Common damages we seek in Pearland work injury lawsuits include:

  • Medical bills: You deserve payment for hospital costs, follow-up visits, ICU and ER expenses, surgery bills, and fees for specialists.
  • Transport expenses: You can claim emergency transport fees, such as for an ambulance or helicopter, as well as mileage, meals, and other costs associated with your medical treatment.
  • Property damage: If your personal vehicle was damaged in a work-related accident, you can claim repair or replacement costs. You can also seek compensation for any clothes, cell phones, work equipment, or other personal property damaged during your on-the-job accident.
  • Prescriptions and medical devices: You can include any prescription or over-the-counter medicines in your claim along with any medical or mobility devices. This could include temporary items such as crutches, braces, or wheelchairs and permanent equipment like prosthetic limbs, eyes, hearing aids, or communication devices.
  • Home and care services: When you are injured, you often cannot cook, clean, or maintain your home. With a permanent disability, you could be unable to care for yourself, requiring in-home nursing care. All these costs can and should be part of your claim for damages.
  • Subjective losses: How your injuries have changed your life is an integral part of your damage claim. For example, you can seek compensation for:
    • Pain and suffering
    • Emotional anguish
    • Anxiety, depression, and / or PTSD
    • Scarring and disfigurement
    • Loss of society
    • Amputation and disability
    • Loss of enjoyment of life
    • Lifelong pain or numbness
    • Loss of cognitive function
    • Damage to your personal or professional reputation

With significant injuries, your claim may rise into the millions of dollars to provide a comfortable life for you while you are left dealing with a permanent disability. Each case is unique and must be closely analyzed to determine its full value. This is where our Pearland work injury lawyers can listen to your story and develop a strategy to obtain the financial compensation that meets your needs.

Who Can Be Held Responsible for Your Work Injury

Determining who is liable for your work injury can be complicated. In some instances, the company may be at fault if it fails to provide sufficient safety gear or ignores regulations for handling dangerous substances. Other coworkers could be liable if they engaged in unsafe or illegal actions.

Because so many people and companies are part of job sites, there could be other entities or individuals to blame. Some common defendants we have seen in work-related accident cases include:

  • Designers and manufacturers of defective equipment
  • Equipment rental companies
  • General contractors and subcontractors
  • Maintenance and repair companies
  • Property owners, managers, and operators
  • Safety inspectors
  • Scaffolding construction companies
  • Security companies
  • Vehicle rental companies
  • Vendors
  • Visitors

It is possible to file a lawsuit naming multiple defendants if the evidence supports it. Your work accident attorney can investigate thoroughly to determine all potentially liable parties. We will identify anyone who owed you a duty of care and failed to uphold that duty. We will present evidence tying your injuries directly to their negligent actions and show how your expenses are related to the harm you have suffered.

You Could Miss Your Chance to File a Work Injury Claim: Statute of Limitations for Work Injury Cases in Texas

It is crucial to be aware of the statute of limitations for filing your work injury case in Pearland, TX. Any delay in pursuing your claim can potentially leave you without the option to seek a remedy through the courts. In most situations, Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, Section 16.003, allows only two years from the date of your accident to file your lawsuit.

If you wait too long, you may have trouble finding an attorney who can prepare a suitable case before the deadline expires. Speaking with a skilled personal injury lawyer at J.D. Silva & Associates as soon as you can will help you avoid suffering the consequences of someone else’s negligence without financial relief.

Types of Work-Related Injury Cases We Handle in Pearland

Texas’ wide variety of industries means there are many kinds of Pearland work-related injury cases that need the insight of our knowledgeable and compassionate attorneys. We have experience in managing the details of insurance claims and lawsuits for all the following situations:

Construction Accidents

The construction industry is a dangerous one with a track record for a high number of accidents and fatalities. Falls, electrocution, suffocation, and crushing injuries are all common occurrences on these job sites. If you have been the victim of a construction accident, our experienced Pearland construction accident lawyers can help.

Oilfield Accidents

The oil and gas industry is home to many of the most dangerous workplaces. Oilfield workers may face fires, explosions, hazardous chemicals, crane mishaps, and malfunctioning equipment. A careless mistake can lead to catastrophic or deadly accidents. If you are injured in an oilfield accident, it’s essential to have the help of an experienced team of work injury attorneys when going up against these big companies.

Maritime Accidents

If you have a serious accident while working on a vessel, it is handled differently than if it happened on land. The Jones Act, or the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, regulates how offshore injuries are litigated in state or federal courts. With so many employees in shipping-related industries in Texas, having an experienced maritime lawyer on your side can help you navigate unfamiliar laws and move forward.

Plant And Refinery Accidents

Along with oilfield accidents, refineries and processing plants in the oil and gas industry are frequent locations for work-related injuries. When refinery explosions happen, injured workers often find out how little their employer cares about them. They can be left without compensation, support, or even a job if they require extensive medical treatment and recovery.

Our legal team is here to hold the responsible parties accountable and ensure you get what you need while you heal.

Protect Your Legal Rights After a Workplace Injury by Contacting the Experienced Lawyers at J.D. Silva & Associates

When you or a loved one has been hurt on the job, you need a trusted legal advisor who will stand up for your rights. At J.D. Silva & Associates, we understand the complexities surrounding work injury cases and will help to clarify the details for you. Instead of worrying about how you will pay for a lawyer, take advantage of our contingency fee structure, where you do not pay us anything until we secure a settlement or verdict for you.

From your free initial consultation until your case is completed, we will be by your side, fighting fiercely for the compensation and justice you deserve. Speak with a Pearland work injury attorney and get started by scheduling your free consultation today.

Contact us to see how we can help!